• Meet Rowan

    Rowan is an 8 month old Cavalier King Charles puppy. He came from Heaven Sent Cavaliers in Las Vegas. Kelly and her children poured a lot of love into him his first 3 months, holding him and playing with him, and because of them, he is a very friendly and confident little guy. He and his siblings were all named after trees, In Celtic Mythology, the “Rowan” tree is considered to represent power, vision, balance, healing, mystery, connection, protection, and transformation. He couldn’t have been given a better name!

    As a puppy, Rowan was very “chill” and could be spotted among his siblings, the one who was always on his back asleep (he is wearing the orange collar). Today, he still sleeps on his back, and as a young puppy he would sometimes fall asleep in the middle of playing. He literally falls out of his dog bed and doesn’t even wake up!

    From the first few days he arrived, Rowan had an obsession with shoes, anyone’s shoes. He has never chewed any, he just loves to take possession of them, bringing them into his dog bed or area and lays on them. He goes right for them the minute someone takes their shoes off and carries them back, sometimes quite far, to his bed. He has even put his bone inside the shoe, using it as a holder, while he chews on it. He has been known to wake from a dead sleep if he hears the sound of a shoe being taken off and falling to the ground. 

    Meet Kona

    Kona is a welcome member of our staff!

    Kona is a 9 1/2 year old King Charles Cavalier Spaniel rescue turned therapy dog. He was rescued from Hawaii and appropriately came with his name. Kona was initially an “understudy” to Charlie when he first joined us, and began to spend more time in the office as Charlie was aging. When Charlie passed away, Kona took over and he has loved it. Kona is very affectionate and loves to give kisses, and has been known to lay on people just to get his tummy rubbed. As he is beginning his “Golden Years” we recently introduced Rowan, to give Kona a much needed break…

    To adopt a Cavalier like Charlie or Kona, please visit Cavalier Rescue USA

    Goodbye to Charlie

    It is with a very heavy heart that we share with you that Charlie passed away February 4, 2022. He was 14 years and 5 months, and after being diagnosed with a heart condition at age 8, we treated every day as a “gift.” For those who knew him, he was a very special guy, a rescue turned therapy dog, who was in the office every day. Charlie loved attention and tummy rubs, and especially the kids who gave him treats. He loved to hunt for lizards and looked forward to the kids who took him on adventure walks. He spent most of his “Golden Years” sleeping and snoring and enjoying the company of people. He was a great listener, and when he lost his hearing, he learned to “listen” with all his senses. 


    Charlie had his share of “old man” issues, including mitral valve disease (common in Cavaliers), seizures, and intervertebral disc disease for which he took a variety of medications and supplements. In the Summer of 2021, Charlie was in physical therapy and he built up his leg strength on an underwater treadmill (see pictures and video below). Unfortunately he developed seizures which further weakened his back legs and he had to stop his therapy. During his last 8 months, he had a few “sleepovers” with staff at the Veterinary Specialty Hospital, including New Year’s Eve 2021! 

    Charlie was a happy, loving companion right up till his last day, which he spent at the Del Mar beach park, and then at home, eating his favorite foods. He passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his family. He brought joy to everyone who knew him, and we all miss him greatly. His picture still hangs in our waiting room. 

    Charlie's Underwater Treadmill

    August 27, 2021

    We were so excited to celebrate Charlie’s 14th birthday in August 2021! Diagnosed with a heart condition at 8 years old, we have approached every day as a “gift” and every birthday as a cause for great celebration!