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    Insurance and Fees


    We do not accept any insurance directly as Dr. Rappaport is not a participating provider with any insurance panel. Payment is due in full at time of service. If you have a PPO with out of network benefits, and would like to submit to insurance for direct reimbursement to you, please request a Superbill for the previous month at the beginning of the following month.

    For your convenience, we accept Cash, Check, Debit Card, Zelle ([email protected]), Visa, Mastercard, Discover, HSA (Health Savings Account) and FSA (Flexible Spending Account). If you choose to pay with a credit card, HSA or FSA, please complete the  Credit Card Authorization Form


    Please Note before scheduling:

    We do not accept any insurance directly. Some insurance providers consider us an “out of network” provider, and you may request a Superbill from us which you may submit on your own for reimbursement. Superbills are available by the 10th of each month for the month prior. Contact your insurance for more information on what they cover. We will provide CPT codes upon request.


    Basic Fee Policy:

    Dr. Rappaport is not a participating provider with any insurance panel. Payment is due at time of service. If you have a PPO and would like to submit to insurance for direct reimbursement to you, please request a Superbill. They are available by the 10th of each month for the month prior.

    If there is a balance on your account, you will receive a monthly statement reflecting that balance. Payment is due at time of service, and interest of 1.5% per month will be added for any late payments. Our office maintains complete financial records of all charges and payments, and this information is available to you upon request. Your monthly statement will indicate only current charges and any outstanding balance on your account. It is essential that you pay the amount agreed upon by you and Dr. Rappaport at each session, thereby keeping your account current.

    In the event that collection becomes necessary, all reasonable collection expenses, including collection agency and/or fees, will be charged to the patient’s account.

    A $35 late fee will be added for all accounts not current past 30 days. In addition, a 1.5% late charge will be assessed on all past due balances. A $35.00 fee will be charged for a bounced check. Payment in full, including this charge is expected within 5 days of notification or patient will be charged three times the actual amount of the check, as allowed by law.


    Standard Fees for Therapy and Consultation:

    Our standard fee for an initial, 60 minute evaluation is currently $450

    Our standard fee for an individual 45 minute session is currently $285

    Our standard fee for a couple/family/individual 60 minute session is currently $380

    Extended sessions (those lasting beyond 45 minutes) will be billed at the hourly rate of $380

    Standard Fees for ADHD Evaluations:

    Option 1

    Our fee for a comprehensive ADHD Evaluation only is $1550

    This includes a clinical interview, testing, ADHD self report forms, parent and teacher behavior rating scales, physician and teacher consult (for children), family/friend rating scales (for adults), written report, treatment recommendations and feedback session.

    Option 2

    Our fee for a comprehensive ADHD Evaluation plus one of the following : Executive Functioning OR Sensory Processing is $1695.

    Option 3

    Our fee for a Comprehensive ADHD Evaluation with Executive Functioning and Sensory Processing assessments is $1850. This includes all of Option 1 and both an Executive Functioning and Sensory Processing assessment.

    Option 4 – Adults Only

    Our fee for the ADHD Adult Modified Evaluation is $1295. This is for adults who have often thought or wondered if they have ADHD but have never been formally assessed or diagnosed. Many times they realize this during the process of their child receiving a diagnosis, or encounter difficulties in their job or relationships after years of experiencing issues with focus, time management, procrastination, organizational issues or impulsivity. This evaluation is similar to our comprehensive evaluation however the report is a brief summary (2-5 pages vs 8-15) which can be used to share with a provider for medication for ADHD.


    This is intended for adults only and not for those looking for recommendations for high school/college. Schools and standardized testing providers (LSAT, GRE, GMAT) typically require the testing data as well as a more detailed analysis of scores, which is included in the lengthier, above evaluation reports.

    This evaluation does not include a follow-up session, or the ability to add an assessment of Executive Functioning. however, a follow up session may be scheduled at any time in the future for an additional fee ($300).

    Additional Services:

    • Telephone consultations with other treating professionals such as teachers, physicians and other therapists will be billed at our usual hourly rate of $380. Consultations to schools requiring travel, including conferences, IEP/504 meetings and other services are not included in the above fees, and will be billed separately at $380 an hour, with additional cost for travel time.
    • Legal/Court related consultations and services are billed at $500 per hour. Depositions and court appearances are billed at $600 per hour (4 hour minimum).
    • Telephone Consultations that are brief and are used to transmit information, schedule appointments, etc., are not subject to charge. More lengthy conversations, wherein advice is sought or therapeutic issues are discussed, may be billed at a percentage of our normal fee, based on the amount of time needed. *Please note that insurance companies usually do not pay for telephone consultations and you will be responsible for any charges.
    • Missed Appointments or Late Cancellations are costly to the therapist and deny other individuals the opportunity to use that time. Unless a true emergency exists, we require that all cancellations be made at least 24 hours in advance. If you miss an appointment, or cancellations are not made in advance, you will be charged for that session. Insurance companies do not pay for missed sessions…you will be completely responsible for that charge. Please call the office or cancel directly online.
    •  Do not email cancellations.
    • Automated follow-up appointment reminders. Please note that automated appointment reminders are offered as a courtesy only. As technical failures can occur, it is still your responsibility to keep track of your scheduled appointments, whether or not you receive a reminder. In addition, please note that such communications may be insecure. Do not reply to the automated messages as it will not be received.


    In the event that collection becomes necessary, all reasonable collection expenses, including collection agency and/or fees, will be charged to the patient’s account.

    A $35 fee will be charged for a bounced check. Payment in full, including this charge is expected within 5 days of notification or patient will be charged three times the actual amount of the check as allowed by law.


    You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your mental health care will cost. Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the expected charges for medical services, including psychotherapy services. You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency healthcare services, including psychotherapy services.

    You can ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule a service. If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill. Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate. For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit www.cms.gov/nosurprises